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Institutional | General | Exercises | News & Media | Reference | Games and quizzes
Certificats Oficials practice samples
Dave's ESL Cafe
Most well-known site for learners of English as a Second Language
British Council Learn English Site
Excellent resources with up-to-date material and video activities
On-line exercises
New Headway activities
Interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises from beginner to advanced level
Activities for EFL students
La Mansión del Inglés
On line course and resources
The Cambridge exam trainer
ON-line Writing Lab (all levels)
Listening Resources for students of English
is a site where you can do listening comprehension activities on line at three different levels.
Better English
is another site to find on-line exercises for the EFL learner. The exercises are organized by type: grammar, vocabulary, easy exercises etc
News and the Media
The Guardian
The Times
The Daily Telegraph
New York Times
A data base of newspapers on the web
Time Magazine
National Geographic
Dictionary of English Idioms
Cambridge Dictionary
Newbury House Online Dictionary
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
Games and quizzes
Games and quizzes for EFL
Idioms and quizzes for students